Corruption in Immigration Services: Corrupción en los Servicios de Inmigración
The Department of Justice conducted an investigation of the actions of the United States Immigration officials and border patrol. The investigation found a list of illicit activists that included prostitution, slavery, and murder to name a few. The article provides more details. It also highlights the efforts of Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers and allies to pass laws that support immigrants/workers.
Disaster in the Vineyards: Desastre en los Viñedos
Image of Dolores Huerta during a strike in San Luis, Arizona. There were over one thousand farm workers who participated in the strike. The article highlighted the efforts in Keene, California. Farm workers, supporters and members of the United States Farm Workers helped improve the working conditions of migrant workers across the United States.
International Boycotts: Boicots Internacionales
Canadian supporters of farm workers and the United Farm Workers (UFW) tried to prevent the largest chain store from selling produce from growers that engaged in unjust practices. Included are photographs depicting Canadian supporters on the picket line. Furthermore, Swedish UFW and farm workers, and supporters denounced the action of the US Embassy supporting produce that farm workers were boycotting. The denouncement of the US embassy propelled more European citizens to support the efforts of farm workers.
Legal Challenges & Aftermath of Bus Massacre: Desafíos Legales y Consecuencias de la Masacre de Autobuses
The survivors of the bus massacre faced additional challenges after the incident occurred. Many suffered from post-traumatic stress, remorse, guilt, and, unfortunately, new legal battles. Some of the survivors lost their documents during the horrifying event. They were left in an uncertain legal status. They could not travel to see their families in Mexico to inform them that they were safe. The United Farm Workers union staff and Campesino Center employees assisted them in legal negotiations.
Bleak Future & Puerto Rico: Futuro Triste y Puerto Rico
El Malcriado newspaper not only recognized the injustice inflicted on farm workers and working-class people across the United States and internationally, but they acknowledged the oppression all communities faced. Included is one example highlighting the forced sterilization of two young black girls. There is also an article written by Marta Aponte describing the challenges that farm workers in Puerto Rico encountered. Following the article are examples of workers in various industries fighting for improved working conditions.
Editorial: We Cannot be Defeated & History of Conflict with Teamsters: Editorial: No Podemos Ser Derrotados e Historia del Conflicto con Teamsters
The editorial letter included highlights the efforts of the union and their supporters and the monetary impact that boycotts have. The article below provides a history regarding the conflict and role of Teamsters union and farm workers. Included is also an article explaining the complexities and injustices within the United States Immigration Policies.
International News: Noticias Internacionales
El Malcriado newspaper recognized international labor movements. Included are articles describing workers battles in France, Spain, England, Brazil, South Africa, Chile, North Ireland, and Uruguay. They fought against oppression, injustices, and illegal action.
International News: Noticias Internacionales
On September 11, 1973 Chile faced mass massacres, a coup, and violence against individuals exercises their right to protest. Over 20,000 people were killed in numerous massacres throughout the country. The coup was formed by the United States to overthrow a democratically elected president. Included is also a brief description of inhumane working/living conditions that Mexican farm workers faced in Canada.
International News: Noticias Internacionales
In the 1960s and 1970s, Puerto Ricans and allies fought against the United States desire to turn Puerto Rico into a country focused on refining petroleum. The article provides details on how the United States oversees Puerto Rico. El Malcriado not only was an avenue for farm workers to voice the injustices and battles they fought within the United States, but it was also an avenue to voice the injustices that occurred internationally. In South Vietnam in 1973, many farm workers were forcibly removed from their homes. These actions were supported by the United States and the Thieu government.
International News: Noticias Internacionales
El Malcriado newspaper included a section detailing injustices and news that happened aboard. In support of the Farah workers strike, Mexican workers boycotted Farah products and protested in an effort to increase wages and stipulate a 40 hour work week. The article that follows focuses on United State investment in Asian countries and the pledge of twenty-two individuals who were blacklisted by Ferdinand Marcos. The article that proceeds highlights the medical experiments that women endured. It briefly describes how American and Brazilian Doctors tested contraception pills. Lastly, it brings to light the efforts of the wives of pilots to stop the bombings in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
International News: Noticias Internacionales
In San Juan, Puerto Rican fought against injustices and inhumane working conditions. Due to those injustices, they decided to strike and protest such actions. As a result, the National Guard was called against individuals exercising their right to protest. The article that follows focuses on the famine that Africa faced during the 1970s. The last article included is in regards to the death of a Guatemalan worker.
Millions of Dollars: Imported Buses: Millones de Dólares: Autobuses Importados
Labor contractor, growers, and corporations took part in hiring undocumented individuals at lower wages and under inhumane working and living conditions. Such actions undermined the efforts of the United Farm Workers union, farm workers and their supporters striving for better working conditions. Growers and labor contractors participated in numerous of illegal activities. Their illegal actions resulted in the murder of Mexican undocumented farm workers and the further exploitation of hundreds.
Nation Cries Impeachment: Nación Llora Juicio Político
Countries response to the Watergate scandal and the refusal of President Nixon to step down. It also outlined bills that would have improved the working conditions for workers, but were denied by the president.
Navajo Poverty Revealed & Prisoners Fight Dehumanization: La Pobreza Que los Navajo Enfrentan y Los Presos Luchan Contra Acciones Inhumanas
El Malcriado writers bring to light various forms of oppression and inhumane treatment. The writers describe the inhumane treatment of prisoners. In 1973, the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence at the University of California, Los Angeles decided to conduct a study that focused on the use of "psychosurgery" on prisoners. Their focus would be those who committed violent offences. Included is the writers' perspectives on the prison system and inhuman actions. The article on the right focuses on the state of Indian reservations throughout the country. The Navajo Nation in the state of Missouri was one of many that dealt with growing poverty and high unemployment rates. The article below to left side highlights President Nixon's actions as the country faced numerous challenges. The article at the bottom right highlights the efforts of Representative Barbara Jordan who fought for civil liberties under the Nixon Administration.
Past Humiliation Gives Strength & Hollis Roberts Strawman for Financier: La humillación pasada da fuerza y Hollis Roberts Strawman por Financiero
Jose Guadalupe Murguía was an undocumented farm worker who supported the efforts of the United Farm Workers. He was one of many boycott organizers who fought for improved working/living conditions. The article that follows focuses on the corrupt actions of growers and how the United States government responded to such actions.
The Struggle: La Lucha
Farm workers in Coachella, California, went on strike to improve their working and living conditions. Additionally, they went up against growers unjust practices particularly the use of pesticides. Included are additional efforts of farm workers who fought for fair labor contracts and against unjust practices of growers and politicians. In addition, the writers incorporated a brief overview of Watergate and outlined the corrupt actions of United States and Mexico border patrol agents. Some of the charges against the agents included smuggling undocumented individuals to the United States, sale of documents, and abuse/harassment of undocumented individuals.
Wounded Knee: Rodilla Herida
United States Marshal committed acts of violence against the American Indians in Wounded knee, South Dakota. Included are various grievances that Native Americans within the reservation brought forth, which included high unemployment, leasing but knowing their own land, and the welfare of their communities.
You Cannot Stop People Who Will Not Be Stopped: No Puede Detener a Las Personas que no Serán Detenidas
The United Farm Workers fought against unjust laws/legislations within the United States. They supported those hindered by United States occupation. They also denounced the corruption of dictatorships and systems of oppression within the United States and abroad.
Grapes of War & Cotton Subsidy: Uvas de Guerra y Subsidio al Algodón
The article on the left centered around the politics around grape prices, United States Department of Defense, growers, United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, and the war in Viet Nam. The article on the right dives into the politics surrounding farm subsidies and the the power and growth of corporate farms and the decline of small farmers.
The Wetback Game: El Juego de los Mojadas/os
Article highlights the efforts of growers to employee individuals who had no legal status in the United States to reduce their overall cost. It explains that foreman would warn undocumented migrant workers when the border patrol was their to arrest/deport them. Raids in the fields was a common occurrence. Growers would hire undocumented individuals, pay them wages far below the poverty line and further exploit them through horrifying living conditions. Growers engaged in such practices to avoid paying individuals fair wages and negotiate contracts that would overall help farm workers.
Two Young Chicanos Who Faced the Draft: Dos Jóvenes Chicanos que se Enfrentaron con Servicio Militar Obligatorio
On the left side there is an image of Frank Pasillas a Vietnam war veteran. During WWII and the Korean War Chicanos where the soldiers who received the most medals. He explains that he never questioned his military service. However, the image right below his is of Juan Flores, a young man who was drafted to the military but refused to go and murder an enemy that he did not know. He stated that US army did not explain why they were fighting in Viet Nam. They only explained that Vietnamese people where the enemy. He refused to service for various reasons but the main reason was because he had been engaged in nonviolence protests to improve the betterment of the working conditions of farm workers. He believed that nonviolent resistance was the correct way and could not in good conscious kill another human being. Furthermore, he describes his experiences working in the fields and in the military.
Arrests Torpedo W & B Smear Campaign on Fire & Condoning Poisoned Food Chavez Blasts FDA: Arresta Torpedo Campaña de Desprestigio de W & B Sobre Incendios y Rechazo de Alimentos Envenenados Chávez critica a el FDA
The article on the left hand side describes the active efforts of Whitaker and Baxter, the grower's public relation arm, to discredit the United Farm Workers Union. On October 1969 they started fires throughout different fields and framed a group of 5 young farm workers for those crimes. There acts were part of their anti-union hysteria. The article on the right hand side illustrate the efforts of Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers Union, and their supports protesting the inhuman acts of the United States Food and Drug Administration and growers to overlook the deadly effects of pesticides on farm workers health.
Farm Workers Evicted for Revealing Wasco Slum Conditions & Scientists Warn of Permanent Pesticide Effects: Trabajadores Agrícolas Desalojados por Revelar las Condiciones de los Barrios Marginales de Wasco y los Científicos Advierten Sobre los Efectos Permanentes de los Pesticidas
Farm workers who worked in Wasco Labor Camps where evicted for allowing reporters to witness the inhuman and unsanitary conditions that they lived under. The article on the right focuses on the harmful effects of DDT and pesticides. Workers, organizations sought to regulate the use of DDT. Also included on the right is an article focused on gathering support for United Farm Workers Organizing Committee boycott. The page on the right focused on the issues surrounding the sainitation of produce.
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