Generals Gorge on Grapes: Generales Garganta de Uvas
Political cartoon highlighting the greed of growers/corporations.
Hiring Hall Notice, Prison Group Committees to the Cause, Slavery in Texas Nonviolence and the Draft, Profiting from Poverty with Higher Education
Included is a hiring notice for various grower companies that had established worker contracts with the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Following the notice is an article detailing the efforts of Mexican Americans prisoners in Susanville, California to create change while completing their sentences. To the right of the article is an article that provides an example of slave treatment in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. The article below focuses on mandatory drafts imposed on young Mexican American nonviolent activists. The article on the right side of the page highlights the political stands of universities in the state of California, how politicians use university research to draft and incorporate legislation, and how those decisions and policies affect farm workers. In addition the writers explain how border laws were created and how they affected immigrants.
Hospital Segregation Challenged, New York Boycott Plans Total Victory, Boycott Victories in Georgia & Puerto Rican Fight "Blood Tax": Desafío a Segregación Hospitalaria, Victoria en Nueva York, Victorias de Boicot en Georgia y Lucha Puertorriqueña contra el "Impuesto de Sangre"
The article on the left describes the challenges that farm workers faced accessing health care. They faced discriminations. Doctors and hospitals refused to treat patients under the medi-cal program. Included is a photograph of Dolores Huerta, the Vice President of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. The article on the left provides Dolores Huerta explanation of the status of the grape boycott in New York. One the right side the article at the top describes the success that occurred in Georgia surrounding the grape boycott. The article that follows highlights the battles faced by Puerto Ricans. It explains the impact of the draft and how Puerto Ricans were forced to fight for the United States Military.
Military Industrial Complex: Complejo Industrial Militar
Not only did the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC) fight growers unjust treatment, but they also went against the United States government. The UFWOC and the AFL-CIO fought for the United States Department of Defense DOD to stop purchasing grapes that contained DDT along with other harmful pesticides.
Pesticide Research: Investigación de Pesticidas
Political Cartoon included represents the parties involved in pesticide research and legislation
Reagan Hedges on Anti-Strike Law: Reagan se Evade de la Ley Anti Huelgas
Article describes Governor Ronald Reagan's position on labor legislature. It details his efforts to prevent any pro-labor legislation to get passed.
Reflection on the Poisoning of Food & Man: Reflexión Sobre el Envenenamiento de la Comida y el Hombre
The article explains the efforts of the FDA, USDA, and CDA to cover up the harmful effects of a number of chemicals in our food supply. They highlight that FDA is allowing pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and preservatives in the United States food supply. They also noted that the National Cancer Institute concluded that DDT and other chemicals were in fact harmful and cause cancer.
Senators View Florida Poverty & Pittsburgh Judge Forbids Strike Songs: Los Senadores ven la Pobreza en Florida y El Jùez de Pittsburgh Prohíbe las Canciones de Huelga
The article on the left side explains the inhumane living conditions of farm workers. They compared their working and living conditions to a working as part of a "slave system." The article on the right side explains that a judge in Pittsburg prohibits individuals boycotting and singing. If they do sing they where subject to arrest. In Pittsburgh the United Farm Workers Union faced opposition, and in Hawaii state legislature endorsed the grape boycott.
What are They Hiding? : ¿Qué Están Ocultando?
The photograph was taken by Iltis it depicts an information label for thiodan diazon 3-2 dust, a harmful pesticide for humans and wildlife. This chemical was approved by the FDA in the 1960s. The United Farm Workers Union fought to stop the continued use of such harmful chemicals.
Impartial Justice, UFWOC for Humphrey & Endorsements: Justicia Imparcial, UFWOC para Humphrey & Endosos
The article on the left side was written by Antonio Oredain where he explains why law and justice in the United States is not impartial. He states that if it was impartial police officers in the photographs would not have taken pictures of all the individuals picketing. The article on the right side was written by Jaime Reyes Sanchez where he describes a few elections where the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee endorsed Humphrey and Carston. Included is also an image of Cesar Chavez bedridden speaking with Alan Cranston. At the time, Alan Cranston was running for United States Senate.
Robert F. Kennedy in Texas & Two Border cops Officers Killed: Robert F. Kennedy en Texas y Dos Oficiales del Portal Fronterizo Asesinados
Robert F. Kennedy fue un defensor de los derechos civiles y de los trabajadores agrícolas. En 1967, él y César Chávez visitaron Texas para abogar por políticas y legislaciones que apoyaran a los trabajadores agrícolas. Al lado de ese artículo hay uno de tragedia. Dos oficiales de la patrulla fronteriza fueron encontrados muertos 75 millas al norte de la frontera con México. (Eng): Robert F. Kennedy was a champion of civil and farm workers rights. In 1967 he and Cesar Chavez visited Texas to advocate for policies and legislations that would support farm workers. Next to that article is one of tragedy. Two border patrol officers were found dead 75 miles north of the Mexican border.
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