"Navajo Poverty Revealed & Prisoners Fight Dehumanization: La Pobreza Q"




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El Malcriado writers bring to light various forms of oppression and inhumane treatment. The writers describe the inhumane treatment of prisoners. In 1973, the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence at the University of California, Los Angeles decided to conduct a study that focused on the use of "psychosurgery" on prisoners. Their focus would be those who committed violent offences. Included is the writers' perspectives on the prison system and inhuman actions. The article on the right focuses on the state of Indian reservations throughout the country. The Navajo Nation in the state of Missouri was one of many that dealt with growing poverty and high unemployment rates. The article below to left side highlights President Nixon's actions as the country faced numerous challenges. The article at the bottom right highlights the efforts of Representative Barbara Jordan who fought for civil liberties under the Nixon Administration.


Navajo, Poverty, Prisoners, fight, dehumanization, inhuman, unjust, politics, laws, rich, the poor, pacification tactics, Springfield, Missouri, violence, university campus, University of California, Los Angeles, trainings, Specific Treatment and Rehabilitative Training, Window Rock, Arizona, Indian Reservation, Third World Countries, Latin America, Africa, Asia, West Virginia, Tourists, economy, treaties, survival, grants, unemployment, buying power, capital income, workforce, President Nixon, food, security, Florida, Bal Harbor, Representative Barbara Jordan, United States Congress, Civil Rights, leaders, Slave wages, UCLA, Center for Violence at UCLA









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El Malcriado Newspaper Collection


Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay


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Navajo Poverty Revealed & Prisoners Fight Dehumanization: La Pobreza Que los Navajo Enfrentan y Los Presos Luchan Contra Acciones Inhumanas



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