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The article on the left describes the challenges that farm workers faced accessing health care. They faced discriminations. Doctors and hospitals refused to treat patients under the medi-cal program. Included is a photograph of Dolores Huerta, the Vice President of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. The article on the left provides Dolores Huerta explanation of the status of the grape boycott in New York. One the right side the article at the top describes the success that occurred in Georgia surrounding the grape boycott. The article that follows highlights the battles faced by Puerto Ricans. It explains the impact of the draft and how Puerto Ricans were forced to fight for the United States Military.
Hospitals, Segregation, Challenges, New York Boycott, Boycott Victories in Georgia, Puerto Rican, fight, taxes, Medi-Cal, Tulare County, Court Judge Leonard Ginsberg, Patients, admission, Salud Clinic, Dr. Brooks, physicians, poverty, Attorney Gary Bellow, children, Dolores Huerta, grape boycott, harvest, politics, AFL-CIO, UFWOC, Luis Melendrez, California, clergy, induction, Jose del Carmen, draft, San Juan, Garcia, Dorney, trial, paying, United States
New York, Georgia & Puerto Rico
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El Malcriado Newspaper Collection
Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay
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Recommended Citation
"Hospital Segregation Challenged, New York Boycott Plans Total Victory, Boycott Victories in Georgia & Puerto Rican Fight "Blood Tax": Desafío a Segregación Hospitalaria, Victoria en Nueva York, Victorias de Boicot en Georgia y Lucha Puertorriqueña contra el "Impuesto de Sangre"" (1969). Subjects. 112.