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Included is a hiring notice for various grower companies that had established worker contracts with the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. Following the notice is an article detailing the efforts of Mexican Americans prisoners in Susanville, California to create change while completing their sentences. To the right of the article is an article that provides an example of slave treatment in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. The article below focuses on mandatory drafts imposed on young Mexican American nonviolent activists. The article on the right side of the page highlights the political stands of universities in the state of California, how politicians use university research to draft and incorporate legislation, and how those decisions and policies affect farm workers. In addition the writers explain how border laws were created and how they affected immigrants.
Delano, Schenley Industries, Perelli Minetti, Manuel Sanchez, Union Hiring Hall, contract, Di Giorgio Ranch, Arvin Lamont, prison, Susanville, California, Latin America, Mexican-American, history, programs, El Aguila, Slavery, Texas, United States Commission on Civil Rights, Rio Grande Valley, Father Hesburgh, South Texas, growers, Farm workers, Canadian workers, automobile factories, Mexican border, nonviolence, draft, United Farm Workers Organizing Committee, Cesar Chavez, UFWOC, union, Mark Silverman, Vietnam, boycott, Frank Diaz, Bakerfield, Giumarra, California Conservation Center, Profiting, education, poverty, Berkeley, Ann Draper, labor union, university, agricultural businesses, democratic, politicians, Division of Agriculture, Republican, university system, Universities of California, boaderlaws, green cards, undocumented, immigrants, Reagan, United States Government
California & Texas
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El Malcriado Newspaper Collection
Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay
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Recommended Citation
"Hiring Hall Notice, Prison Group Committees to the Cause, Slavery in Texas Nonviolence and the Draft, Profiting from Poverty with Higher Education" (1969). Subjects. 128.