English Dock Workers Refuse to Handle Grapes & Rain of Death & Sickness: Trabajadores Portuarios Ingleses se Niegan a Manejar Uvas y Lluvia de Muerte y Enfermedad
The article details the growth and impact of the Grape Strike. It outlines the international solidarity built by United Farm Workers Association and workers in the British Isles. It also describes the..
The article details the growth and impact of the Grape Strike. It outlines the international solidarity built by United Farm Workers Association and workers in the British Isles. It also describes the harmful effects of the pesticides used by growers. Cesar Chavez describe the the symptoms of pesticides as the "walking dead." Many farm workers health was negatively impacted by DDT. The lack of regulation on pesticides and herbicides caused many mothers to demand regulations because they were causing birth defects and harming their newborns.