Latino Cultural Citizenship: Claiming Identity, Space and Rights
Through years of ethnographic work in Latino centers in San Antonio, Los Angeles, New York, San Jose, and Watsonville, California, eight prominent Latino scholars from disciplines such as anthropology, political science, and literary and legal studies explore the dynamics of Latino community-building and "cultural citizenship"-the use of cultural expression to claim political rights in the larger culture while maintaining a vibrant local identity. Chapters detail acts of cultural affirmation in Christmas festival celebrations in Texas, cannery strikes in California, educational programs in New York, and much more. A pathbreaking work of Latino scholarship, this book will help redefine the conversation about the future of community and the nature of citizenship in the United States The scholars in the interdisciplinary Inter-University Project (IUP) who wrote this book include Renato Rosaldo (Stanford University), Richard R. Flores (University of Wisconsin), Ana L. Juarbe (Hunter College), Blanca G. Silvestrini (University of Puerto Rico), Raymond Rocco (University of California, Los Angeles), the late Rosa Torruellas (Hunter College), and the volume's editors, William V. Flores (California State University, Northridge) and Rina Benmayor (California State University, Monterey Bay).
Beacon Press
Publication Date
Humanities & Communication
Recommended Citation
Flores, William V. and Benmayor, Rina, "Latino Cultural Citizenship: Claiming Identity, Space and Rights" (1997). Faculty Bookshelf. 71.