No People- Land and Soundscapes

No People- Land and Soundscapes



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This is a video collage of nature landscapes without human beings. The sounds were recorded from my backyard bird feeder and beehive. This video/soundscape should invoke a sense of peace and tranquility and allow the viewer to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. The few instances of power lines and empty roads are symbolic of what is happening when people are not around- nature being natural, peace and tranquility. I assembled it using the iMovie app on my iPad, I recorded the sounds with my iPhone 6s. The shots are from as far north as the Oregon coast and the bulk are from Monterey and Santa Cruz County. This was inspired from Week#8 imagine a world with no people.

Publication Date



Nature, Fort Ord, Oregon Coast, Sedona AZ, Elkhorn Slough, 17 Mile Drive, Pfeiffer State Beach, Laguna Seca, CSUMB East Campus, Pleasure Point


Video with sound recordings

No People- Land and Soundscapes
