Miscellaneous Monterey and San Luis Obispo County Documents and Reports
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Construction of a water supply system from deep aquifer, initiate water conservation program to address imminent threat of seawater intrusion for the community of Castroville and improve long-term drought preparedness
One hundred percent of Castroville’s water supply comes from the 400-foot aquifer of the Pressure sub-basin of the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin. Groundwater levels in the aquifer dropped more than 100 feet below the seal level as of July 2015 at static conditions. Water levels dropped to more than 190 feet below the mean sea level during operation of the water well. The dramatic drop combined with the close proximity of the Pacific Ocean (less than 4 miles) and to existing seawater intrusion (less than ¼ mile) raised significant alarm that the existing water supply system to Castroville was imminently threatened with high salinity water. The water supply was likely to be contaminated within the year. The project addressed the needs by (a) drilling a new water well in the Deep Aquifer that would supply Castroville with 500 AFY of potable water, (b) installing water filtration for arsenic and other contaminants, (c) installing a 600,000-gallon water holding tank, and (d) implementing water conservation activities to reduce water consumption and raise community awareness.
Greater Monterey County Integrated Regional Water Management Program
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"2015 – Project Justification – Addressing an Urgent Water Supply Need for a Disadvantaged Community in the Greater Monterey County IRWM Region" (2017). Miscellaneous Monterey and San Luis Obispo County Documents and Reports. 22.

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