"2018 - Status and Understanding of Groundwater Quality in the Monterey"

Miscellaneous Monterey and San Luis Obispo County Documents and Reports



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Monterey-Salinas shallow aquifer study to provide the status and an understanding of the groundwater quality


The study was designed to provide a statistically robust assessment of untreated-groundwater quality in the shallow aquifer systems. The assessment was based on water-quality samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 100 groundwater sites and 70 household tap sites, along with ancillary data such as land use and well-construction information. The shallow aquifer systems were defined by the depth interval of wells associated with domestic supply. The Monterey-Salinas Shallow Aquifer study unit consisted of four study areas—Santa Cruz (210 km2), Pajaro Valley (360 km2), Salinas Valley (2,000 km2), and Highlands (5,250 km2).

The first primary component of this study—the status assessment—assessed the quality of the groundwater resource indicated by data from samples analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, and naturally present inorganic constituents, such as major ions and trace elements. The second component of this study—the understanding assessment—identified the natural and human factors that potentially affect groundwater quality by evaluating land-use characteristics, measures of location, geologic factors, groundwater age, and geochemical conditions of the shallow aquifer. An additional component of this study was a comparison of the Monterey-Salinas Shallow Aquifer water-quality results to those of the GAMA Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley Groundwater Basins study unit.


U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey






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2018 - Status and Understanding of Groundwater Quality in the Monterey-Salinas Shallow Aquifer Study Unit, 2012-13 - California GAMA Priority Basin Project
