Miscellaneous Federal Documents & Reports
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Hydrologic models for the Salinas Valley Ground-Water Basin: Small stream model, river model, two dimensional ground-water model, and three-dimensional ground-water model.
This 1978 report discussed a group of hydrologic models that were developed for the Salinas Valley that included the small-stream model, river model, two -dimensional ground-water model, and three dimensional ground-water model. The small-stream model simulated ground-water recharge from small streams that were tributary to the Salinas River. The river model simulated ground-water recharge from and surface-water discharge in the Salinas River. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional ground-water models simulated hydraulic head in the ground-water basin. The report noted that in addition to being an important agricultural area, Salinas Valley contained several growing urban areas that obtained water from the ground water near the areas of demand. The geographic areas with locally large urban demand for ground water were generally contiguous to areas with local agricultural ground-water supply problems, and the urban demand tended to exacerbate the agricultural supply problems. A major part of the investigation was oriented toward formulating plans for managing the water resources of the area with respect to water supply, water quality, and waste water.
U.S. Department of the Interior
Business | Education | Engineering | Life Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences
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"1978 - Water Resources Investigations - Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Digital Flow Models of the Salinas Valley Ground-Water Basin, Report 78-113" (2018). Miscellaneous Federal Documents & Reports. 5.

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