Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), Diseño 657, GLO No. 60, Napa County, and associated historical documents.
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Download WPA Abstract, Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), GLO 60 (1.9 MB)
Download Bancroft Notes, Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), GLO 60 (29 KB)
Download BLM Land Patent Details, Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), GLO 60 (109 KB)
Download BLM Survey, Sep. 2, 1873, Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), GLO 60 (12.0 MB)
Bancroft Diseños -- Spanish/Mexican land grant map.
Work Progress Administration Abstract (WPA Abstract) – Historical details of a Spanish-Mexican land grant that was subsequently patented by the U. S. Government.
Bancroft Notes – Summary of Bancroft Archives information regarding a private land claim.
BLM Land Patent Detail Sheet – BLM Accession number document that provides patent information.
BLM Survey – Office of the U.S. Surveyor General plat(s) detailing the specific boundaries of land.
Bancroft Diseños – Hand-drawn Spanish-Mexican map demonstrating the physical boundaries of land granted to Mexican citizens by the Spanish or Mexican governments used in the U.S. District Court proceedings.
Work Progress Administration Abstract (WPA Abstract) – A summary document prepared in 1938 under the U.S. Work Progress Administration program detailing the history of a rancho beginning with the Spanish-American land through the U.S. patenting process.
Bancroft Notes – Document detailing information and documents regarding a rancho found in the Bancroft Archives.
BLM Land Patent Detail Sheet – Document using the BLM accession number that provides specific information regarding the patented land of a rancho.
BLM Survey(s) – Plat(s) prepared by the Office of the U.S. Surveyor General detailing the boundaries of the rancho.
Diseños – U. S. National Archives; WPA Abstract – David Hornbeck, Ph.D.
Spanish; English
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"Mallacomes or Moristal (Part of Miristal y Plan de Agua de Caliente, Cook-Ingalls), Diseño 657, GLO No. 60, Napa County, and associated historical documents." (2018). Napa County. 9.