Barbara shares her interesting and unique experiences of Chinatown. Her memories as a young child of two are extremely vivid. Barbara describes her living situation using the term Farmed out. She tells stories about the various families living in and around Soledad Street. She recalls the different experiences she had with each of the families and this has helped her be more open minded and accepting of different nationalities and customs. Every family she lived with as well as the people she encountered in all of her homes, including the Republic Hotel, the Royal Hotel and the Black Cat, are described in detail. In her interview Barbara also talks about what Chinatown was like. She gives detailed descriptions of the prostitutes and the Johns as if they were right in front of her. Her stories of Chinatown included descriptions of the buildings as well as the kinds of people she would see every day. Barbara mentions the military men and hobos, as well as the people she knew from the shops and hotels. Barbara gave a complete picture of the overall community of Chinatown and felt connected to it in many ways. Although she does say a bit about her mother and history, Barbara says more about her Childhood memories in Chinatown. In addition, Barbara shares what she would like to see done with the revitalization project.
Interview Date
Esther Vargas; Allison Bostwick
Geographic Coverage
Salinas (Calif.)
Chinatown (Salinas, Calif.); Hotels--California; Cultural pluralism; Prostitution; Bars (Drinking establishments); Childhood and youth
Moving Image
Oral histories
Digital Format
Digital Collection
Chinatown Renewal Project
Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay
These oral histories express the personal views, memories, and opinions of the interviewee. They do not represent the policy or views of California State University, Monterey Bay.
Recommended Citation
Fabella, Barbara and California State University, Monterey Bay, "Interview with Barbara Fabella" (2009). Chinatown Renewal Project. 5.