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Download Módulo 2: Cuarta parte (72 KB)
Download Módulo 2: Quinta parte (Ensayo persuasivo) (69 KB)
Download Módulo 2: Sexta parte (Entrevista) (88 KB)
Download Span212_Modulo2_ReflexInterview.pdf (53 KB)
Publication Date
Spring 5-2016
Access Type
Open Access
World Language and Cultures
Course Number
Spanish 212
Context of Activity or Assignment
This is the second instructional module for the teaching of Spanish to heritage speakers at the intermediate level. The topic of this module is labor.
Purpose of Activity or Assignment
This is the second instructional module for the teaching of Spanish to heritage speakers at the intermediate level. The outcomes for this module are as follows:
1. Students will be able to understand the way in which a persuasive essay is organized and written;
2. Students will be able to continue applying the rules for the accentuation of palabras esdrújulas and agudas to improve their spelling;
3. Students will be able to understand the rules that govern the present tense in Spanish and why it is the most appropriate tense when writing a persuasive essay.
4. Students will learn the rules that govern the accentuation patterns for palabras llanas and hiatos, and they will apply these rules under instructor and peer guidance;
5. Students will apply the concepts learned to the development of a persuasive essay;
6. Students will apply the concepts learned to create and carry out an interview with a person of Hispanic origin in order to collect information about his/her work experiences in the United States.
Activity / Assignment Type
Additional Activity / Assignment Type
Undergraduate Learning Outcome
ULO 4: Specialized Knowledge
Additional Undergraduate Learning Outcome
ULO 3: Integrative Knowledge
GE Area
Month Long
Final Deliverable
Multimedia Project
Recommended Citation
Zapata, Gabriela C., "Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Instructional Module #2" (2016). Activities and Assignments Collection. 2.

Included in
Latin American Languages and Societies Commons, Modern Languages Commons, Spanish Linguistics Commons