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Download Módulo 3: Cuarta parte (Descriptive Essay) (69 KB)
Download Módulo 3: Quinta parte (Presentation) (777 KB)
Download Módulo 3: Preguntas para reflexionar sobre producción de presentación (51 KB)
Download SpanHerSpeak_Modulo3_Repaso.pdf (47 KB)
Publication Date
Access Type
Open Access
World Language and Cultures
Course Number
Spanish 212
Context of Activity or Assignment
This is the third instructional module for the teaching of Spanish to heritage speakers at the intermediate level.
Purpose of Activity or Assignment
This is the third instructional module for the teaching of Spanish to heritage speakers at the intermediate level. The outcomes for this module are as follows:
1. Students will be able to understand the way in which a descriptive essay is organized and written;
2. Students will be able to continue applying the rules for the accentuation of palabras esdrújulas and agudas to improve their spelling;
3. Students will be able to understand the rules that govern the use of adjectives in Spanish, including the exceptions that break these rules;
4. Students will review the rules that govern the accentuation patterns for palabras llanas and hiatos, and they will apply these rules under instructor and peer guidance;
5. Students will apply the concepts learned to the development of a descriptive essay;
6. Students will apply the concepts learned to create a presentation on a cultural aspect related to their family Hispanic heritage;
7. Students will learn how to prepare an academic presentation, and they will implement this knowledge in the oral presentation of their work.
Activity / Assignment Type
Additional Activity / Assignment Type
Problem Solving
Undergraduate Learning Outcome
ULO 4: Specialized Knowledge
Additional Undergraduate Learning Outcome
ULO 3: Integrative Knowledge
GE Area
Month Long
Final Deliverable
Multimedia Project
Recommended Citation
Zapata, Gabriela C., "Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Instructional Module #3" (2016). Activities and Assignments Collection. 3.

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Applied Linguistics Commons, Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Latin American Languages and Societies Commons, Modern Languages Commons, Reading and Language Commons, Spanish Linguistics Commons