"Teaching Synthesis" by Sarah P C Dahlen, Jacqui Grallo et al.



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Open Access


First Year Seminar, Library, Business, Computing and Design

Context of Activity or Assignment

This document was created as part of a faculty co-operative at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) that focused on how to teach synthesis of information to undergraduate students. This co-op was funded by CSUMB’s Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. The co-op members met during Fall 2019 and shared techniques, thoughts, and resources for teaching synthesis. At the conclusion of the co-op, each member contributed a product, whether it be a lesson plan, assignment, prompt, or resource list, to be added to this document and shared with the CSUMB community and beyond.

Purpose of Activity or Assignment

Students will learn how to synthesize information from sources.

Activity / Assignment Type


Undergraduate Learning Outcome

ULO 1: Intellectual Skills

Teaching Synthesis
