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Camille Edwards Bennehoff is a tax lawyer and works in an advisory capacity for the federal government. She lives in Maryland with her husband, cat Oscar, and dog Ziggy. She hand-sewed since childhood, started making masks for family and friends at the start of the pandemic, and joined the Auntie Sewing Squad in July of 2020.

Thematic Summary

(00:00:00) Camille Edwards Bennehoff recalls growing up in southern California, how she decided to go into law, and how she ended up in Maryland. (00:06:00) She attributes her volunteerism to the election of 2016 and shares memories of how Washington DC was a ghost town after the election (00:13:00) Edwards Bennehoff discusses the transition from working in person to working at home at the start of the pandemic, as well as, when she first began to make masks for friends and family. (00:19:01) She relays how she joined the Auntie Sewing Squad and how the Squad has served as an outlet for her volunteering. (00:25:00) Lastly, Edwards Bennehoff hopes the Auntie Sewing Squad will continue after retirement less as unsustainable labor and more as a community of sewers.

Interview Date



Annie Jones; Britney Ortiz

Interview with Camille Edwards Bennehoff



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