
Lisa Hennig


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Lisa Hennig was born and raised into a middle class white family in Washington state and from a young age she was taught to be inclusive of other ethnic groups and learn about many different cultures. She married, had children, and worked in a law office advocating for rights for individuals with disabilities. She made masks and donated to her local community center before she joined the Auntie Sewing Squad in January of 2021. Since joining, she has made 1,500+ masks and sent them to communities all over the United States with little access to masks.

Thematic Summary

(00:00:00) Hennig recalls how her parents instilled in her a vocabulary around civil rights and the importance of embracing many different communities in Washington. (00:06:45) Hennig then discusses how she developed an interest in sewing and how she joined the Auntie Sewing Squad. (00:12:24) She next discusses what life was like before COVID and the biggest challenge she faced during the pandemic: isolation. (00:21:07) Hennig lists women who have had a great impact on her life, including her grandmother and her stories of living through the 1918 pandemic, anti-Vietnam war activists, and disability justice activists. (00:25:50) Lastly, Hennig reflects on how the Trump presidency has impacted her social relationships, her children’s social awareness, and participating in protests such as March for Our Lives.

Interview Date



Tylia Brewster; Sarah Shaw

Interview with Lisa Hennig



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