
Ashley Terada


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Born and raised in San Diego, Ashley Terada is an activist and member of the Auntie Sewing Squad. Growing up in a family that encouraged activism, her family felt it was important that she uses her right to speak out against injustices. Terada developed her love for sewing from a young age since her dad’s mother was a professional seamstress. Her sewing skills and involvement in activism carried on into her role in the Auntie Sewing Squad, where she moved supplies, sewed masks, and led a coat drive.

Thematic Summary

(00:00:00) Ashley Terada starts off by explaining that she was not new to activism by the time she joined the Auntie Sewing Squad. She shares how her mom’s family history of service in the military and navy, as well as her dad’s family who were unjustly incarcerated during WWII, led to her involvement in activism before joining the Auntie Sewing Squad. (00:06:59) Terada then discusses her family’s history of sewing and how her family members encouraged her creativity. (00:12:09) Terada next tells stories from the San Diego contingent of the Auntie Sewing Squad, such as having a luau in a parking lot and the coat drive for the Lakota nation. (00:17:22) Terada shares that the the Auntie Sewing Squad and the Pandemic taught her the importance of mutual aid. (00:23:13) She finishes by giving advice on how to get involved in activism and be apart of something even if you may think you do not have the right skillset.

Interview Date



Aurora Arredondo; Sophie Spencer

Interview with Ashley Terada



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