"Ethics for a global economy : in the wake of 9-11" by Karen Monica Patty



Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Humanities & Communication


The intention of this work is to show how, in the light of the September 11th attacks, people are, more than ever, in need of a framework for successful interaction in the increasingly multicultural work-world. I firmly believe that if an introductory course in ethics was part of every undergraduate experience in America that graduates' entry into this diverse job force would not only be successful but extremely rewarding. This capstone explores the need for ethical and effective, intercultural communication skills in the wake of the events of September 11. It includes an overview of ethics, what it is and what it is not, and why it is best procured as a part of an undergraduate course-load in American universities.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Institute for Human Communication
