"A Resource for Parents to Increase Participation in Online Educational" by Brenda Velasquez-Chavez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services, Social Work

First Advisor

Ana Aguado


Encompass Community Services is a nonprofit organization that creates accessible economic and educational opportunities such as Head Start/Early Head Start that supports school readiness and promotes healthy families through the delivery of education, health, and social services in Santa Cruz County. Encompass serves children and families in need, many of whom qualify based on their income, homelessness, foster care, or disability. The macro-level problem is the number of children who are falling behind in their education is too high. The agency problem is the decrease in participation and engagement during online educational sessions due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. This project aims to increase participation during online educational sessions by providing an educational intervention for families whose children are enrolled in distance learning services. The project successfully increased participants' knowledge and familiarity when navigating online platforms and increased accessibility and participation during online educational sessions. The agency should continue to offer these supports in the future.

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