"A Beautiful Mind: What is Happening with the Mental Health of Teachers" by Zachary Stocker



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


This Capstone project focuses on understanding the reasons behind teacher burnout and attrition, the impact of the coronavirus on teacher burnout, and what can be done to reduce burnout and attrition rates. This is an important issue because California is losing too many teachers. An argument is made that the mental health of our teachers is neglected and is one of the main reasons teachers burn out and leave. The three primary stakeholder perspectives chosen were teachers because they understand best what and why they are burning out. Three action options that emerged from an analysis of the data and were explored as ways to address the issue presented. Introducing counselors and/or therapists in schools to manage teacher burnout and giving support and encouragement; professional development lessons to administrative staff emerged as the most effective ways to manage and reduce teacher burnout and attrition.

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