"Increasing Awareness Amongst Injured Student-Athletes" by Daniel Lomeli



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Human Development and Family Studies

First Advisor

Erika Miguel

Second Advisor

Jose Zavala


The NCAA states that there are around half a million college student athletes in America, and according to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (2020) ninety percent of them will have a sports related injury some time in their career. Student-athletes compared to non-athletes are less likely to utilize resources and professional assistance (Moulton, Molstad, & Turner 1997). Due to fear of seeming weak, losing training time, judgement from peers or coaches and the appearance of needing any psychological assistance, many athletes are less likely to seek help (Brooks & Bull, 1999). Student Athletes seem to worsen their academic performance as well as their athletic performance once they come back from an injury. Also, poor mental health has been correlated with engaging in risky behaviors including suicide, depression, and many other risk factors (Anchuri, Davoren, Shanahan, Torres, Wilcox, 2020). Accepting that an injury is always possible is key for the health of a team and an individual.
