"Increasing Adolescents' Awareness of the Impacts of Social Networking " by Karina Vega



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Liberal Studies


Human Development and Family Science

First Advisor

Christi Cervantes

Second Advisor

DeeDee Perez-Granados


Many adolescents are unaware of the impacts that social networking sites may have on them. According to Anderson and Jiang (2018), 95% of adolescents have access to a smartphone. Furthermore, Anderson and Jiang (2018) stated that 45% of adolescents are engaged with online activities on a continual basis. Social networking sites may affect adolescents' view of their body image and lower their self esteem. Anderson and Jiang (2018) discussed the difference between female and male adolescents' use of social media, reporting that 50% of female adolescents engage with social media on a continual basis compared to 39% of male adolescents.
