"L.U.C.H.A (Latinos Unidos Con Humildad y Acción/ Latinos United with H" by Mariela Jacuinde



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Esmeralda Maldonado


Safe Ag and Safe School (SASS) is a nonprofit agency dedicated to addressing the problem of pesticides in the Bay Area. SASS is dedicated to advocacy for the rights of farmworkers, children, and communities in the Bay Area. They advocate for the right to know about the important topic of pesticides that is affecting the health of children, farmworkers, and all people who live close to the agricultural fields. But why and how pesticides are affecting people in the Bay Area? Lack of knowledge and education about pesticides, language barriers, and an unequal government system are contributing factors that lead people to be part of the populations or groups that are the most affected by pesticides. Not enough, pesticides can bring to individuals' lives multiple consequences. These consequences could be divided into short-term (nausea, skin irritations, wheezing or shortness of breath, and stomach pain, etc) and long-term consequences (different cancers, reproductive harm, asthma, cognitive development problems in children, etc.). For all of these reasons, the project L.U.C.H.A will be dedicated to continuing addressing the problem of pesticides in the Bay Area. This project will be focused on where the problem starts and with the most affected population: farmworkers in the agricultural fields. The project will be dedicated to running meetings about pesticides in the agricultural fields. With the goal of increasing the knowledge and awareness of pesticides in the agricultural fields.

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