"Pronunciation Classes for Intermediate English Learners in the Literac" by May A. Her



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Kim Judson


Monterey County Free Libraries is a public government organization that provides a wide range of resources and services for residents of Monterey County including a Literacy Program that serves 52 learners who are eligible to participate in this capstone project. The macro problem that this project is related to is the increasing number of immigrant residents who do not have access to equal educational opportunities in Monterey County. The micro problem is that learners who have participated in the Literacy Program are not confident with their English pronunciation even after their initial tutoring sessions conclude. This project provided an educational intervention for learners who wanted to improve their English pronunciation by engaging learners in a classroom setting. Based on an assessment of this project's success in building the learners’ confidence through the classes, the Literacy Program should incorporate more pronunciation sessions to help learners build pronunciation skills and confidence.

Additional Files

Invitation Letter (1).pdf (85 kB)
Invitation Letter to Learners

Pronunciation Pre-Assessment (1).pdf (92 kB)

Pronunication Post-Assessment.pdf (91 kB)
