

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services


Newcomers are a diverse group who recently moved to the United States from their birth country and are currently attending local schools. Such as Harbor High School, the Community Coordinator working under the Academic Counseling Department oversees these students' well-being in their new school environment. These new students only speak languages that are not English and are among the most vulnerable English learners, especially those with gaps in their educational backgrounds. New to the country and the language, they face acculturation issues, making engagement with their peers and teachers challenging while they are just beginning to develop their proficiency in academic English. Forming a safe space where these students can speak their native language and express their concerns can give them the confidence to participate and integrate into their new school. The desired goal for the students is to feel like they belong at their new school by building community and connection while collaborating with others.

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