"Benefits of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for In-Service Educators" by Megan E. Roberts



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


There is a plethora of different teaching styles, all grouped under an umbrella term of pedagogy. This capstone focuses on the advantages in specifically incorporating culturally responsive pedagogy into the classroom. This method of pedagogy provides an inclusive environment in which students are able share their culture, as well as personal experiences to add to the overall academic achievement. By straying away from traditional teaching styles, in service educators are able to create a space for students to embrace their unique differences and incorporate inclusivity into learning. This integral approach provides real life experiences that have a qualitative depth that are unable to be taught through traditional instruction provided by textbooks. My findings will show a variety of interviews from in-service educators, as well as responses from questionnaires that were completed by current students. Culturally responsive pedagogy is an intrinsic approach that would contribute to the overall student academic success.
