"Life Skills to Help Reduce Juvenile Recidivism" by Nicolle Gapol



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Stephanie McMurtrie


Youth Alliance is a nonprofit organization based in Hollister, California. Within this organization there is a program for at-promise youth who are currently in the juvenile justice system, Guidance and Navigation to Achieve Success or GANAS. California has a 74.2% recidivism rate for minors. By developing a 5 week group curriculum for the youth enrolled in the GANAS program the project intended to provide at-promise youth with life skills to help reduce recidivism within the community. Findings from this project were established by a post survey; the survey revealed that youth were positively impacted by the topics covered in the group, 100% shared that they now feel confident in setting priorities for themselves. It is recommended that this program continues to teach the youth about life skills.

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