"Kindergarteners Learning About Kindness" by Marilyn Maciel



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Human Development & Family Science


This capstone project focuses on kindergarten children's development of kindness. Too few kindergarteners clearly understand the importance of the prosocial skills of kindness. They have not acquired or have a clear understanding of the different kinds of kindness. Many have not been taught or have a mixed understanding of the ways they can express kindness. As a result, there is a need for services and programs that can help nurture prosocial skills such as kindness in young school-age children. I developed a set of three 30-minute lessons to teach kindergarteners about showing kindness. In the first lesson, kindergartners learned about identifying kind behaviors. In the second lesson, they learned to demonstrate when and how to share with others. In the final lesson, kindergarteners learned about using kind words. The lessons were presented to kindergarteners at Amesti Elementary School in Watsonville, California. The majority of these students are Hispanic English language learners. Due to this, I presented the lessons in both English and Spanish.

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