"The Impact of Hands-on Environmental Science Lessons on Middle School " by Molly Mansfield



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


This capstone research focuses on the impact of hands-on environmental science lessons on middle school students learning. In this research project, besides conducting an extensive literature review, I collaborated with five middle school educators in a local school district to understand how student engagement and retention are affected by hands-on science material and surveyed 151 7th-grade students. This senior capstone explores the individual experiences of middle school students, their relationship to science education, and possible future implications of their learning. Many aspects of a student’s personal and educational life can positively or negatively impact their relationship with science and their interaction with the natural world. The result findings indicate that providing meaningful hands-on environmental science lessons with relevant content and instructions could make a long-lasting impact on middle school students.
