"Parental Involvement: Breaking Barriers for Immigrants in (K-12) Educa" by Maribel Cruz



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


The focus issue of this Capstone Project is on parental involvement among non-English speaking parents and the roadblocks they face. This is important because teachers/schools and non-English speaking parents lack communication regarding their child’s education, events, or resources that may be available. It is argued parental involvement is significant in fostering academic success for students. The primary stakeholder perspectives chosen were non-English speaking parents, teachers, and former students of immigrant parents. These stakeholder perspectives were chosen given the demographic location of the schools and population. Having a predominantly immigrant and Hispanic population paved the way for collecting data and understanding the issue at hand. Three themes emerged from an analysis of the interview data collected. Increasing resources for the indigenous community is argued to be the most effective way to help parents be aware of organizations and resources that can assist them and potentially increase parent participation in schools.
