

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Human Development & Family Science


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Isell Chavarin


In 2019, the Salinas Union High School District began to provide services for high school students through Wellness Centers. The centers are intended to act as mental, social-emotional and medical health resources. (Cuevas, 2019). Many students have untreated mental health challenges that can significantly interfere with their well-being and ability to learn, grow and develop. The Wellness Center supports students with their social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. They help students with their overall well-being. This project is a presentation awareness video that will recognize the importance of mental health, provide essential coping skills that students can use, and highlight how the professionals at the Wellness Center can support students. After watching the presentation, a post survey was completed by thirty-eight students and met the expected outcome. To keep on bringing awareness the next steps the agency can take is to continue bringing awareness by using social media to promote services.
