"Youth Recruitment Specialist" by Esperanza K. Cabrera



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


There has been a major increase in youth substance abuse in the United States. Youth substance abuse reports mention that 2.08 million of 12 to 17-year-olds have reported using drugs in the past month. Many youth are not aware of the effects of consuming drugs and the psychological effects that arise. The project focus is on the lack of drug use education is an issue among youth. Friday Night Live is a non-profit organization that is designed to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among youth. The project created a position that focuses on recruiting youth for the agency and recruiting guest speakers that have knowledge on substance use disorder. The project consisted of three, one hour meetings with guest speaker presentations on substance use prevention. More than twelve youths attended the presentations. The results were that the majority of the youth found the educational workshops very informative and useful. Having substance use education guest speakers made the youth gain knowledge and awareness, which reduces youth substance abuse in the United States.
