

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services with a concentration in Social Work

First Advisor

Caitlin Stinneford


Gathering For Women is a non-profit organization that serves as a day center for homeless women and women at risk of homelessness where they provide hot meals, free clothing, and limited emergency assistance. There are several challenges for homeless women in Monterey County that contribute to the lack of awareness and education in regard to human trafficking, healthy relationships, and sex education. For this project, Gathering For Women hosted educational presentations to their guests relating to these topics. These presentations are meant to educate the guests about the issues of human trafficking, foster healthy relationships, and promote safe sex. For this project, agencies and organizations that aim to combat these issues were contacted to collaborate and facilitate the presentations. The presentations were created and promoted to the guests via flyers, and evaluation forms were created to receive honest feedback. The expected outcomes for the presentations were to have five to ten guests per presentation, a potential partnership with Planned Parenthood, and for the guests to feel like they have a safe place to discuss their experiences within these issues. As a result, only one outcome was met. Guests who attended the presentation shared insightful thoughts, questions, and their experiences. It is important for Gathering For Women to continue hosting educational presentations on complex issues that their guests live through. There should also be training provided for volunteers and employees so they can be aware of the issues their guests endure. The training will allow them to learn the set skills needed to adequately address a situation they will most likely come across.

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