"ACEs and Trauma Informed Care" by Audrey Jones



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Keisha Browder


Trauma-informed care is an organizational response that challenges providers to adopt principled-based approaches that seek to reduce the adverse effects of trauma and support healing. Trauma and toxic stress is a growing public health concern and community-based trauma-informed care provides an approach through expanding and sustaining screening and responding to ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) by increasing workforce, trauma-informed training, and services for primary care clinics. By identifying gaps in community care and providing the stress buster resources and services, communities, governmental agencies, and policy administrators can build collaborative partnerships. This allows them to build and improve capacities to fill potential gaps around childhood trauma to deepen awareness of the types of trauma and triggers related to toxic stress and childhood trauma. Defining those strategies to prevent secondary trauma will contribute to reducing risks of morbidity and mortality related to toxic stressors.

Available for download on Wednesday, August 30, 2028

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