

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Human and Health Servies

First Advisor

Hester Parker


Food insecurity is a major local concern in the Monterey County area. This is especially tragic in an agricultural-rich area of the country where there is an abundance of fresh and healthy produce. Everyone’s Harvest is a non-profit that serves both Salinas and the Monterey Peninsula area by running farmers markets that accept EBT and making produce more accessible to local residents through a program called Market Match. In order to raise more awareness of the program offered at the Farmers Market, a kids activity table was implemented weekly with activities based on healthy eating and food science. The main purpose of the project was to increase awareness for Market Match by attracting families to the kids table. After a weekly rotation of activities for three months, surveys were conducted at the markets. It was found that there is a very small increase in awareness for Market Match. The next step Everyone’s Harvest can do is advertise the kids table through social media, announcement boards, and/or advertise the activity at the info table the week before.

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