

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


In this capstone project, the researcher examined elementary school teachers' perceptions of the shortage of student materials and their proposed solutions for improvement. The researcher developed an action plan to address the core issue by evaluating the collected data and relevant research literature. The plan's goal was to inspire, inform, or actively engage a specific audience in alleviating the material scarcity issue in elementary schools. Because it directly affected them, the lack of materials had a big impact on both students and teachers. To gain deeper insights, the researcher prioritized teachers' viewpoints. As individuals responsible for navigating challenges arising from insufficient classroom materials, teachers' firsthand experiences and perspectives proved invaluable in understanding the issue's extent and formulating effective strategies to create a more conducive learning environment for all. This project highlighted the importance of addressing material scarcity in elementary schools by engaging teachers' perspectives and developing targeted action plans to improve the learning experiences of both students and educators.

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