"Bright Futures; Teaching Parents the importance of well child checkups" by Estefania Lopez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


The Early Head Start has many children not following the schedule of the well-baby checkups. Out of a group of 30 children, 12 are missing components of the well-baby checkups. They are missing at least one of the requirements. Requirements include immunizations, dental exams, vision, or physical examination. This report describes an educational project in Monterey County Office of Education at the Early Head Start, to inform parents the importance to follow the schedule of the well-baby checkups. There are many reasons why children are not following their well-baby checkups, and it was important to teach the parents what causes, consequences and benefits can result when children are not following their schedule. The purpose was that parents were assessed that they learned some of the different types of exams that their baby should follow in order to grow healthy and get ready for school, by having all the requirements from Head Start. The project was an educational intervention, which included creating a PowerPoint presentation, and a questionnaire to collect data from parents about their knowledge of baby’s development and the importance of well-child checkups. The project results showed how well the parents understood the importance of having the child healthy while growing. Needless to say, parents are in need of education, to learn more about their children’s overall health, especially when they become first time parents.
