"Bridging the Literacy Gap: A Critique of Computer-Based Instruction" by Savannah Lee Trudeau



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patricia Whang


As we move forward in an emerging digital society, a greater emphasis is being placed on technology-based instruction. As a result, computer-based literacy instruction has become more prevalent in schools and afterschool programs with the goal of strengthening students’ literacy skills. Throughout Monterey County, a large portion of the student population are English Language Learners (ELLs). The focus of this Capstone project is a discussion and critique of a specific computer-based literacy program, Read Naturally. The developers of this program expect students to already have a basic knowledge of the English language and as a result, the difficult assessments and high expectations leave ELLs feeling discouraged and falling further behind academically than their non-ELL counterparts. This project is an effort to supplement the Read Naturally curriculum to increase student engagement and enhance their ability to retain information. The ultimate goal is to provide more effective strategies for ELLs to develop their literacy skills and foster a love for reading, rather than having them associate a computer-based literacy program with failure.
