"Mindfulness and the Effectiveness in the Classroom" by Alexandria Barrick



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


The research in this paper analyzed the effectiveness of implementing mindfulness in a public classroom. The participants for the Capstone Project included 28 fourth-grade students in a public elementary school located on California’s Central Coast. The researcher implemented lesson plans that included body awareness and breathing techniques that are effective scaffoldings to implementing mindfulness in the classroom. The results produced, showed half of the students felt the mindfulness lessons helped the students understand how to use mindfulness, while the other half of the classroom did not. The students evaluated unanimously believe that mindfulness is an effective tool that should be implemented into the classroom. The researcher has assessed that the use of mindfulness in the classroom helps students assess and manage their emotions in stressful situations.The researcher could use this Capstone Project to help her future students assess and manage their emotions.
