"Mindfulness for Middle School Students" by Raena Gountang



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


The topic of this research project is Mindfulness for Middle School Students. The participants for the Capstone project included 53 seventh-grade students in a public middle school located in the Bay Area of California. The Capstone Project was done in a four-week process, where the researcher implemented her lesson plan to two class periods every Friday. She made lectures and Kahoot quizzes to keep track of all the students comprehension on the content. This was her way of assessing the students throughout her research for the Capstone Project. The main finding in the project was that the students she worked with showed improvement in their mental health with the used method of P.E.A.C.E. This project was to understand how mindfulness is beneficial and effective to students in middle school. This will help her with future students and their mental health.
