"Decreasing Stress in Youth" by Celissa Serrano Banuelos



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work

First Advisor

Caitlin Stinneford


Community Solutions, a nonprofit agency, has a gang prevention program called the ONE program. The youth attend this program from 4-8 p.m in Gilroy and Morgan Hill. Stress is an ongoing factor that many of the youth have to deal with and a project was implemented in Morgan Hill to help youth decrease stress by providing fun activities for them to do. The project was executed on Thursday nights by engaging the youth in activities. Youth were asked to identify where their stress levels were at the beginning and then what their stress levels were at the end of the activity. The expected outcome of this project was to help the youth with their stress. Overall, the youth that participated did report their stress levels being lower after completing the activities, but it also showed data on what activities they did not want to do. This data will help determine what other activities will be held going forward. A recommendation going forward would be to take a trip to either a beach or go on a hike every other month to help them decrease stress as well.

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