"Food Waste at La Isla Pacifica Shelter" by Yesenia Perez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Public Health

First Advisor

Caitlin Stinneford

Second Advisor

William Shelby


Community Solutions is a non-profit organization that serves the community of South Santa Clara and San Benito Counties. At La Isla, Community Solutions’ safe house, a new program was implemented, which focused on reducing waste. Food waste is an issue at La Isla, because a lot of food expires before it is used. The program focused on three key factors to reduce waste, including: creating and implementing a new inventory system, educational cooking classes and the creation of a recipe book in English and Spanish. The classes provided life skills such as cooking, nutritional information and awareness of the amount of waste created. The inventory system focused on eliminating waste produced by over ordering. The recipe book provided cooking opportunities outside of the cooking classes for current and future clients. Through the dedication and work of the La Isla staff and intern(s), the new program reduced the overall waste at La Isla. Recommendations to ensure the success of the program would be to implement training for the staff members at the shelter for: the inventory system and cooking classes.
