"Escapando Las Trampas: Teacher preparation for Mexicanas" by Monica Medrano



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


Developing Maestras face and overcome linguistic, academic and cultural forms of gatekeeping while trying to navigate through our current education system. For this Capstone Project, the impact that gatekeeping has on developing Maestras and how it affects their academic and professional aspirations was investigated. This is an important issue for developing Maestras, the University of Gringolandia as well as for the education system of Nepantla county. The success of developing Maestras Mexicanas closes the racial gap and directly impacts the student success rate within Nepantla county. The literature and data results analysis indicate that the gatekeeping practices that keep Mexicanas from being successful within the teacher preparation program at the University of Gringolandia are directly related to a lack of understanding from both familia and the University about the complexities of their identities as Estudiantes Mexicanas. The participants in this investigation were Mexicanas who are current and former students of the teacher preparation program at the University of Gringolandia. The emergent action options that were uncovered are culturally relevant mentorship, community development opportunities and support resources. Culturally relevant mentorship is argued to be the most effective way to achieve the goal of helping Mexicanas overcome gatekeeping practices within their education in the teacher preparation program.
