"What Kind of Resources Are There for Caregivers of Patients With Menta" by Candice Robertson



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health & Human Services

First Advisor

Ignacio Navarro

Second Advisor

Dennis Hungridge


The capstone was implemented at Telecare, an agency that serves individuals who are on a psychiatric hold. The capstone’s macro-level problem is that caregivers are not receiving the support they need to adequately help their patients. The micro-level was that my agency works with the family so the social workers should be giving out appropriate resources for the caregivers. The capstone consisted of conducting research to assess the different resources that were available for caregivers online. I implemented this by conducting systematic GOOGLE searches and organizing top results by common themes that were in the articles found in the top search results. My expected outcome was to make the social workers aware of the resources that were available. The findings from my capstone show that there are not enough scholarly articles that can help caregivers with direct coping skills. Some steps that my agency took to address caregiver burden was to give out appropriate resources and focus on a family uplifting attitude.

Included in

Social Work Commons
