"When School Is Online, The Digital Divide Is Greater" by Ruby Suarez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


As COVID continues to rise, students will not be going back to school anytime soon. The uncertainty is making students and teachers anxious about distance learning. Nearly six million public school children are currently enrolled in distance education (Freedberg, 2020). The focus of this capstone project is on obtaining a better understanding of the issues students and teachers are facing due to distance learning. This is important to me because many students do not have the proper technology devices, which is resulting in students falling behind academically. An evidence based argument is offered that distance learning is putting students under toxic stress and the absence from school is leading students to lose skills in reading and writing. The three primary stakeholders perspectives analyzed were an elementary school teacher, students, and parents. After interviewing the stakeholders three actions emerged as ways to help students with the digital divide. Based on this evidence an action option is to contact the school district to voice the concern of digital divide.
