"Migrant Students Achieving California State Standards Through Migrant " by Jasmine Jovel



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Linda Bynoe


Within the United States of America education systems, one of the most disadvantaged populations is migrant students because of their linguistic and cultural barriers, poverty, immigration status, and frequent mobility. These barriers disrupt the education opportunities for migrant students and their ability to master the California State Standards. To decrease these barriers, Migrant Education Programs (MEP) began implementing diverse programs nation-wide to support and advocate for migrant students, their parents, and the community. MEP has shown to increase graduation rates in Latino children. Additionally, migrant educators provide multiple supports and resources to children and parents. California is a sanctuary for immigrants; this research provides firsthand knowledge of the MEP- from two migrant educators within Monterey County, and an interview conducted with a California Mini Corps coordinator.
