"Mixing Music In Dolby Atmos" by Roberto Cabanillas



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Music & Performing Arts


Music/Recording Technology

First Advisor

Karen Wallace

Second Advisor

Jessica Herrera


This paper will focus on Dolby Atmos as a surround sound program developed by Dolby Laboratories with the intent to be used to enhance the audio experience. Within this paper, there would be research done to explain a brief history of Dolby Laboratories and a considerable amount on Dolby Atmos. It will also explain how Atmos works and how the production program is used to make immersive mixes. It will go in-depth on the capabilities of how it can be used for mixing music. This paper will include sources ranging from manuals, websites, and books to show how Dolby Atmos is being used to mix music. It concludes with the intended future of where Dolby Atmos will go and why everyone from popular artists and streaming services are leaning more towards Dolby Atmos

I have added a creative project to this capstone. I have three electronic songs that I have mixed down with Dolby Atmos. I have focused on electronic music because that to me makes the most sense and is what I make. Having different components move about or place them in a specific location is intriguing to me. It wasn't possible for me to have 5.1 or 7.1 surround speakers to mix in Dolby Atmos so I went ahead and mixed with headphones and also used a Dolby Atmos soundbar that I got through a CSUMB grant for playback.


The creative project Should be listened to in headphones for a better experience.

Additional Files

Patience .mp4 (27393 kB)
Song #1 Patience.

Un_Broken .mp4 (43058 kB)
Song #2 Un_Broken

Rooted Darkness .mp4 (28252 kB)
Song #3 Rooted Darkness

Included in

Other Music Commons
