"Increasing Financial Literacy Awareness Among High School Seniors" by Ismael Loza Martinez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Liberal Studies


Human Development and Family Science

First Advisor

Jose Zavala


This paper attempts to bring an awareness to the lack of financial literacy education in high school curriculum. Over 50 percent of all high school graduates go into the workforce or college lacking sufficient financial literacy education to effectively manage their money, their savings, and credit. Most high schools offer personal finance and economics courses as an elective rather than a requirement. Many of these high schools have a very high student body population which come from socioeconomically impacted backgrounds. A lesson plan was made in an attempt to educate 12'th grade senior AVID students on the topic of financial literacy. However, due to COVID-19, the project was not executed.
